Hey Road Warrior: How Industrious Is Your Cottage Home Office?
Product Review, technology, The New Work, The Road Warrior April 18th, 2009
Your industrious cottage can make remote work workable by Nancy Doniger for the New York Times.
The New York Times had a piece on the tools needed to make a second home or vacation getaway an industrious place. I lent a few insights.
For home office workers (entrepreneurs or teleworkers alike), top tips included:
– Wireless broadband. Internet is central to any effective home office or remote workplace.
– A computer. Netbooks and small laptops allow people to take their work anywhere — without dragging a luggable in tow.
– Cloud with Web-apps. “The cloud is the concept of working in an untethered environment, so all your documents are out there,” writer Billie Cohen quoted me as saying. Click here to learn more…
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