Alex Johnson’s ShedAlex Johnson is an ardent shedworker. From his home in St. Albans in England, Alex works from a shed — and blogs about the shedworking concept on Shedworking. He’s even written about it in the forthcoming book, Shedworking: The Alternative Workplace Revolution.

So when Alex and I got to talking about Home Office Highway, he commented on his summers spent working virtually at his in-laws place in Spain (those Europeans are SO cosmopolitan. I’m trying to have a little cosmo-mojo rub off on me by writing about Alex’s exploits).

I asked Alex to share his thoughts. Here’s what he had to say…

“I have what in the UK we call a ‘portfolio career’ i.e. a number of part-time jobs rather than a single full-time one: I work for the website of a national UK newspaper, I’m the webmaster of a site for small design agencies, I act as an editorial consultant for various charities, I write about travel, and I even make some money out of Shedworking and The Shed magazine. But none of these jobs tie me to a single location.”So every August I decamp to my in-laws in Spain with my family, my swimming trunks and my laptop. From there I can still keep an eye on the website, still put the finishing touches to client magazines, and still keep in touch with the wonderful world of small prefabricated structures. But I also have the flexibility to chill out and relax. I tend to spend the first couple of weeks doing some work early in the morning and early in the evening, leaving me to enjoy the rest of the day including a decent siesta. The second two weeks are pure holiday, although the laptop is close by in case of (genuine) emergency.

“Shedworking is about much more than a garden office in your backyard, it’s about an emotion, about breaking free from the bonds of the traditional office and exploring how space can help your work and your life. Sadly, however, it tends to be rather a static emotion. Granted, you can buy rotating sheds or commission a bespoke shed on wheels (both alternatives which have been tried by Shedworking readers) but the truth is that if your garden office starts to move, it’s usually a cause for concern, not celebration. And that’s why, to offset the problem, like Jeff and his Home Office Highway Road Trip, Shedworking moves its operational HQ each August from a small suburb outside London to Spain.

“I’m obviously in a lucky situation which not everybody can mirror. But you’d be surprised how many people I’ve met who do manage to operate in a similar way. The truth is that all home officers have the potential to be home office nomads – indeed, you’ve already taken that first step away from unnecessary centralised presenteeism. All you need now are some wheels. And the occasional daiquiri.”

Thanks, Alex. And I agree to another comment you made: Whether driving in the U.S., or workationing in Spain, “you don’t even need to be on the same land mass to be a good homeworker/shedworker.” Touche. Now pass the daiquiris…