Post Home Office Highway Getaway: A New Definition of Stay-cation
Work/Life CompatibilityAugust 3rd, 2009 No Comments »

Jeff & Stella relax on Ft. Myers Beach.
After two weeks in an RV, I’m ready for a staycation closer to the home office.
Yet if the soft market has let slip any hopes of exotic travel this summer, don’t cave to “vacation envy.” Get creative and plan a “stay-cation” of your own.
Urban dictionary defines stay-cation as “A vacation that is spent at one’s home enjoying all that home and one’s home environs have to offer.” Don’t blow your stay-cation catching up on chores, straightening up the garage, fixing the roof or painting the house. Make sure that you limit the time you spend on email.
The well-planned stay-cation, or stay-at-home vacation, can help de-stress and re-energize the soul, notes FAT Bastard Wines. Here’re nine tips for planning a killer stay-cation… Read More »