
Waxing Philosophical on the Home Office Highway

Commentary, The New Work
August 1st, 2008 No Comments »

OK, so I can get a bit philosophical when discussing Henry David Thoreau and the implications of travel, home office and family life. Listen as I chat with Rich Roffman and Wanda Myles of The Rich Roffman Show.

Managing Expectations When the Home Office is on the Road

Soloing, Telework & Virtual Officing
July 30th, 2008 No Comments »

The tools worked fine. The technology — my Verizon aircard was flawless, the HP tablet PC was a hit and it all stashed neatly into my Foray mobile workmate.

Managing expectations… THAT was the detail that needs more attention. My family was pretty understanding. Only one or two clients would ping me with URGENT projects that needed my attention Right Now, I tell you, NOW! (truth be told, my emphasis, not theirs…)

Home Office Highway: The Financial Recap, Part I

Finances, Uncategorized
July 28th, 2008 2 Comments »

When we decided to take an extended vacation this summer — and divide my attention between work and pleasure, my goal was to work somewhere between 30 to 50 percent of the time.

That’s not to say I’d be working 10am until 2pm, and leaving the shoulders to pleasure (or vice versa). Given my circadian rhythm and generally accepted lousy sleep habits, it’s more likely that I would awaken around 5am, work for four hours or so, then hang with the family for the day. By evening, I’d be back on the PC as everyone else settled into reading the library of books we brought along, or watching a little cable TV or DVDs.

The tally of my output, if measured by dollars, was pretty close to on-target. I ended up billing about 35% of what I otherwise would bill during a normal three-week period. So I didn’t scuttle my ship, as was my most pressing concern. And I was able to keep my billable house in order.

But what else did I learn about remote finances…? Read More »

Closing Out This Home Office Voyage. See You on the Highway…

The New Work
July 27th, 2008 No Comments »

Home Office Highways, Byways and Hole-in-the-Wall Restaurants…

Work/Life Compatibility
July 26th, 2008 No Comments »

We made a promise before we left on Home Office Highway: No Cracker Barrel, and no Hampton Inn.

Nothing against these two fine brands. When we’re traveling in the family minivan, they’re each an oasis on the Interstate. But with our home along for the ride, hotels were unnecessary, and meals were in the fridge.

Besides, what we cook on board is healthier than the high-fat fare typically had on the road.

Our final tally: Nine meals were purchased from restaurants along the way, including one final bite at a Panera Bread in Orlando as I presented at the Disney Entrepreneur Center. Read More »

After 3 Weeks, We’re at the Home Office. Now, the Retrospective

Commentary, organization, sponsor news, Telework & Virtual Officing, Uncategorized
July 25th, 2008 1 Comment »

Ready for departure on the Home Office HighwayI’m sitting at my kitchen counter, HP laptop powered up, and pondering what we just completed.

Home Office Highway was an unbelievable exercise, in freedom, family, adventure, escape, work / life balance (and then some), technology and the power tools that empower the remote worker, personalities, workstyles, and what it takes to get all these concepts to meet up on the same page.

I have no doubt that we’ll do this again. I’ve spoken with my partners, and the interest is there. My clients were buoyed by the concept, and for the most part, were none the wiser — or at least didn’t seem to mind — that I was working from Lord knows where.

To be sure, there’s some balancing that needs working out. A few thoughts in retrospect… Read More »

Got Email, Fool…?

July 24th, 2008 No Comments »

From Dora, Diego and Joyce, to the Colonel, Nicole and a bronze of Henry David, I emailed from all over - even atop Stone Mountain and with a turkey leg in my mouthEmail’s important to me. I wouldn’t say I live and die by the stuff, or need it as much as air, water and bread.  But when I’m on the road for three weeks, it’s a close fourth. It was pretty important that I received my email messages while on home office highway. Just look a the places I went with my data device in tow (then imagine being my wife or kids — especially with that turkey leg shoved in my mouth)…

Maxing a Mini Space in a Home Office RV

Telework & Virtual Officing, The New Work
July 22nd, 2008 No Comments »

When I first saw the RV we’d be driving for Home Office Highway, I wondered how I’d make the most of what was by all accounts a miniature space.

Some concepts and practices fell right into place — like using the Mobile Office Workmate or keeping clutter to a minimum. And some were learned, and depended upon the tools we had on hand.

Check out this video to see two examples of how I used off-the-shelf devices to maximize available space.

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